Is There a Way to Change Direction of Pipe Command in Fusion 360?


You would like to change the direction of the Pipe command in Fusion 360.


Pipe chooses its direction based on curve direction (or the direction of the sketch geometry). For example, if you draw the line from A to B, the Pipe will also go in that direction.  If you draw it from B to A, it will go in that direction.


Use the Sweep command if you need more control over the section shape and the direction. The Sweep command requires one sketch profile (pipe shape) and one path.

Change Direction of Triangular Section in Fusion 360

The direction of each pipe section is dependent on the direction of the sketch (or what plane/face/origin plane the sketch was created on). Change the sketch plane to alter the direction of a triangle section.

Example 1 - Facing Up

The triangle section faces straight-up because the path was created on the XY origin plane.

triangular pipe section in Fusion 360

Example 2 - Facing Right

The triangle section faces the right because the path was created on the YZ origin plane.

change direction of triangular pipe section in Fusion 360

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